Corporate Communications
We know from experience that effective communication is about aligning messages, messengers, channels, and frequency with a target audience to achieve maximum impact. Our creative yet practical approach ensures that our clients’ communications are effective.

Each year, Jeff moderates a peer-to-peer best practices forum for global heads of internal communications with executives drawn from the world's largest companies. In a series of frank, off-the-record discussions, a group of 20 communications leaders share their challenges, and solutions. Participants return year after year because they come away from the Forums with insights they and their teams use every day.
Member companies include GE, IBM, The Walt Disney Company, Nike, Uber, Square, Estée Lauder and The Coca-Cola Company from the US; Allianz, Airbus, Total, Kering, GSK, Shell, Heineken and Nestlé from Europe; and Odebrecht from Latin America.
More on the Forums can be found here.
Tam Sandeman, VP, Global & Corporate Internal Communications:
"The JTI Forum is an invaluable safe place for discussing the big issues. Even more stimulating is the ability to explore the art of the possible as our work continues to motivate more and more people around the globe.”